Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Book Review - Fiend by Peter Stenson

Peter Stenson
Trade Paperback
Publisher: Crown
Publication Date: July 9th, 2013
ISBN-13: 978-0770436315
304 pages


     Fiend by Peter Stenson is a zombie story I think you just might become addicted to. It’s a fast-paced, Zombie Apocalypse, crystal meth, quest-driven, drug-tweaking story of survival. You know the usual…

     Narrated by a pair of meth addicts who’ve discovered survival means scoring crystal meth, Fiend adds an interesting drug-addiction twist to the genre. The apocalypse is in full swing, hungry, giggling zombies roam the planet in search of human flesh, and oh, by the way, the only survivors are meth addicts. When the world goes to hell in a hand-basket how does a meth addict get his next fix? For Chase Daniels and his friend Typewriter a quest to locate meth or find a “non-zombified” cook becomes survival. Scoring crystal meth, evading zombies, and living and dying in the mad streets of the apocalypse is a challenge but what happens when the drugs run out?

     Aptly titled, Fiend could refer to almost every element of this story. The zombies are fiends. Or, the meth addicts (metaphorical zombies) are fiends. Survival in a violent world is a fiend. The pace of the story is a fiend. No matter how you read it though Fiend is a horror story, an apocalypse story, and perhaps a cautionary drug addiction tale as well. Raw and vulgar Fiend is another great addition to my zombie book/graphic novel/comic collection (which grows daily), as should yours.

     File with: Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, zombies, horror, apocalypse, meth addiction, and survival.

4 stars out of 5

The Alternative
Southeast Wisconsin

Additional Reading:

Official Peter Stenson Website

Fiend Amazon Page

Peter Stenson Fiend Interview

Fiend YouTube Video/Interview

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